Product Focus uses Adobe Connect and Microsoft SharePoint, both industry-standard platforms, to provide online training.

Under most circumstances, delegates will have no issues accessing the courses through these platforms.

However, it is important to ensure that if there are any firewalls or other company policies restricting access, provisions are made so that delegates can attend and interact with the course and training material.

The Client is responsible for ensuring that their network is properly configured to access Adobe Connect services and Microsoft SharePoint servers prior to the commencement of any training course, including any pre-course technical checks that Product Focus routinely carries out. This may involve configuring firewall and proxy settings to allow the necessary traffic, as outlined in Adobe Connect and Microsoft’s guidelines.


The Firewall and Proxy Server Configuration for Adobe Connect can be found here:

The Firewall and Proxy Server Configuration for Microsoft SharePoint can be found here:

The Adobe Connect diagnostic test can be found here:


In summary, the Client must:

  1. Conduct the Adobe Connect diagnostic test to verify configuration prior to the individual technical checks that Product Focus will complete with each delegate.
  2. Ensure network traffic is allowed as outlined in the Adobe documentation above.
  3. Ensure that access to Microsoft’s SharePoint servers is not blocked and that users can access and edit publicly available SharePoint documents as required during the training.

Failure to ensure proper network configuration, including access to Adobe Connect and SharePoint, may result in disruption of the training course, for which Product Focus shall not be held liable.

If you have any questions about our technical requirements, please contact us.

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