9 Nov 2014
Product Managers and Patents
Why should you care about patents? Do you understand where the opportunities are and are you aware of the pitfalls and risks of, what can seem like, a patent minefield?
9 Nov 2014
Why should you care about patents? Do you understand where the opportunities are and are you aware of the pitfalls and risks of, what can seem like, a patent minefield?
9 Jul 2014
If you want stuff done, start measuring it. But what should you measure for a role that has such broad responsibilities?
20 May 2014
The role of a PM is, necessarily, murky. It changes wildly from company to company, and even within a company from team to team, and even on a particular team…
25 Feb 2014
The less you build, the faster you can launch and the sooner you get revenue. So why isn’t everyone doing it?
18 Jun 2013
“You’ll learn more from spending an hour with a customer than you can from 50 market research reports” says Adrian Slywotzky. So get out of the office and speak to…
18 Jan 2013
Do you get frustrated when your sales people don’t deliver what they forecast. Yes? So what can you do to get them back on track…
2 Mar 2012
Product managers spend nearly half their time firefighting. But is this wrong? Well it depends on what you think product management is for.
7 Apr 2011
Does your sales team sell your product (in exchange for money) or do they give it away for free? An excellent blog entry from Jock Busuttil.
15 Jan 2011
How happy is your team? Here’s a quick checklist of things that you can do to help check that your team is happy and performing at their best.
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