Launch date

2 Sep 2015

How to control your launch date

What does the word ‘launch’ mean in your company? Find out how to split your launch date into ready-to-tell, ready-to-trial, ready-to-sell and ready-for-service to get more control.

Gut feel

17 Nov 2014

Making decisions on gut feel

How do you make product decisions? I had an interesting discussion recently with Michel Roth, Senior Director or Product Management at RES Software. His big issue with product management is…

Patent - definition

9 Nov 2014

Product Managers and Patents

Why should you care about patents? Do you understand where the opportunities are and are you aware of the pitfalls and risks of, what can seem like, a patent minefield?


30 Oct 2012

The analyst racket

As product managers and product marketers our role can bring us into contact with the big technology analysts – with their magic quadrants, waves and cycles. But are there some…